Belajar dan Kursus dari Rumah

Belajar Bahasa Inggris dari rumah, program belajar 1 tahun sampai dengan level Advance....

KBA Mandiri singkatan dari Kursus Belajar untuk Anak secara Mandiri (Home Schooling). Galery produk berkualitas untuk pembelajaran bahasa asing, pengasah kecerdasan dan penambah pengetahuan, sehingga anak/ siswa dapat belajar dengan mandiri dirumah, dibimbing orang tua, atau siapapun yang diberi kepercayaan(Home Schooling). Kuncinya adalah belajar dilakukan dengan metode "fun learning" agar anak tidak mengalami stres dalam belajar lanjut baca

Senin, 30 November 2009

A complete Audiovisual program for learning to read, write and speak in English

8 DVDs. 10 books and 2 CDs with the course in English and your own language.
The DVD's provide us with an entertaining story in animated cartoons in which language and the use of the different verb tenses have been carefully choosen by linguistic experts.
The DVD course include a Vocabulary Builder with over 500 English words, all grouped by subject.
The story books contain the video script in English and your language, divided into scenes to make it easier for parents to help children who are not yet of reading age. The course also includes 2 Vocabulary Books with exercises, 2 Exercise Books for practicing vocabulary, grammar, writing, and also 2 Parent's Guide and Instruction. 1 in English and 1 in our own language.
The course also included 2 CDs which children adorewith all the songs from the story.

12CD-ROMs with over 1.000 interactive and exercise and games.
With interactive exercise on CD-Rom, children who can read as well as teenagers and adults will be able to practice the language and learn to write in it, a skill which has become essential for using the internet.

Lihat Brosur

Price : Rp 4.225.000 Program promosi dan cicilan klik disini


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